
Why should I choose sedation?

If you’ve been dreaming of a straighter smile but want to avoid the look and feel of bulky metal braces, Invisalign may be the orthodontic option for you.

No one deserves to struggle with stress or pain during dental treatment. Sedation options are an effective way to receive the dental care you need without the worry and anxiety that may come with visiting the dentist’s office. All it takes to get started is a simple conversation with your dentist in Phoenix, AZ to see what option works best for you.


Free Consultation

Speak to our doctor about your options without obligation. During your free sedation consultation, we’ll discuss your concerns and walk you through your options so you can choose the sedation option that’s best for you.

Nitrous Included With Oral Conscious

While oral conscious sedation can provide a deeper level of comfort, it takes about an hour to take effect. Laughing gas goes to work in minutes, so you can sit back and relax right away!

You're Covered On Our Membership Plan

When you’re already nervous about treatment, the cost of care can add to your stress. Our membership plan covers sedation, so you can feel safe and comfortable financially as well as during treatment.

Nitrous Oxide

Nervous about treatment, but want to avoid being deeply sedated? With nitrous oxide, you’ll experience a floaty, worry-free feeling that won’t leave you with side effects. Right after treatment, you can drive yourself home and get back to your day-to-day routine.

Oral Conscious

If you’re looking for a sedative that will cause you to forget most of your procedure, we offer oral conscious sedation. This method uses a strong pill or liquid sedative that you’ll take about 30-60 minutes before your procedure for a peaceful, pleasant experience.

The Benefits of Proper Sedation

Faster Procedures

Sedation soothes the body and keeps your mind at ease allowing more procedures to be completed in less time.

Keeps Care Precise

Choking and gagging reflexes are put on pause under sedation, so your dentist can complete a precise procedure without any unexpected movements.

Encourages Positive Dental Memories

Experiencing a comfortable treatment reduces your dental phobia and trains your brain to associate positive memories with dentistry.

The Sedation Treatment Process

Health & Treatment Evaluation

First, your dentist will review your treatment plan to determine if sedation is a good option for your procedure. Your dentist will then discuss your past health history and any current health problems that may affect your ability to be sedated with your chosen method.

Address Needs & Concerns

Your dentist will ask questions to determine your particular needs and concerns. How deeply do you wish to be sedated? What is making you anxious about your procedure? Do you have a low pain threshold? An honest conversation with your dentist will determine which sedation options will be appropriate for you.

Discuss Recommendations & Options

Next, your dentist will outline your available sedation options and describe all side effects and instructions. With their recommendation and your input, we can help you choose the right option for your procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

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